Friday, July 3, 2009


You are looking at the new Redwood High School Freshman Volleyball Coach! I am very excited about this position because I absolutely LOVE volleyball! I have played volleyball competitively for 6 years, and I now play at open gyms and such. This will be my 1st time coaching. I think it will be challenging, but I am excited to try something new and maybe learn some things along the way! This is my senior year volleyball picture with my sister.


Holly said...

AHHHHHH! This is SO cool!!! I am so excited for you !! I can't believe it you will be SO GREAT!!!! Great job Janeece!!

My Little Spoons said...

Yeah!!! I am so happy for you. You are going to be a great coach. I took a volleyball class in was so much fun :)

Erica said...

That's awesome Janeece! How cool!! Good luck!

Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

That is so wonderful Janeece. Congratulations! Volleyball was always one of my favorite sports to play too. You'll have a ton of fun coaching. :D

Cyndy and George said...

Awesome! Congratulations. You will be the best volleyball coach EVER at Redwood!

Chelle Belle said...

That's awesome!!! You will do fine and I think that the girls will learn a lot!

Clark, Jolie and Avery said...

Congratulations on your coaching job! It will be an exciting new adventure that I'm sure you'll enjoy. This is the first time I"ve checked out your blog. I didn't realize you had one. I enjoyed reading and getting to know you better.

Todd and Saralyn said...

hey saw that you have a I checked it out..congrats on the volleyball coaching position !!

Christiana said...

Update this thing with baby bump pics!!! Congrats!!! Im so excited for you!!!!